Slow right down
So, if you’re not checking your phone first thing, what should you be doing? That’s really up to you. Just try to ease your way into the day. It could be with a gentle stretch, or 10 minutes of yoga, maybe it’s with a warming mug of something, writing in a journal or meditating. Think of the aim of the morning as enjoying the time you have, rather than rushing through it. It’s also a great time to reconnect: with the little ones still woozy with sleep waiting for a cuddle, with partners over a proper sit-down breakfast chatting about what’s to come, or even just with yourself thinking about what you’d like to achieve today. It’s also an opportunity to get outside. Whether that’s a potter around the garden taking in the spring shoots, or a short walk around the neighbourhood, the boost of natural light early on triggers our circadian rhythm and suppresses the sleep hormone, melatonin, readying us for the day.