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Chrissie’s White Heart Foundation

Helping vulnerable people build a brighter future

“I feel incredibly lucky to have had the support of a loving family throughout my life. Offering care and support whenever things went wrong at school, through to giving me the confidence to embark upon the journey of starting my own business, my family support network has enabled me to embrace life and its many challenges. Heartbreakingly, so many people in the UK don’t have the same support, which is why the incredible, life-changing work these charities do every day is vital to help create brighter futures for disadvantaged people across the UK. It is my sincere wish that by supporting these groups, the White Heart Foundation can start to make a real difference.”

Chrissie Rucker OBE, Founder

a woman walking down a path with a backpack

The King's Trust

Providing vital support to disadvantaged and vulnerable young women in the UK, the King’s Trust supports young people and those facing great adversity. It aims to help young people find their confidence, as well as giving them support to help them into a job, further training or to become self-employed. Every October, we sponsor The Brilliant Breakfast, an initiative designed to bring together women and companies from across the country, over fundraising breakfasts, to generate funds that can transform lives. As a Gold Patron of the King’s Trust, Chrissie believes all young women deserve an equal chance to succeed and knows first-hand the importance of having a support system and inspiring female role models.

St Mungo’s

One of the largest providers of frontline homelessness services in the country, St Mungo’s believe people can – and do – recover from the issues that cause homelessness. Dedicated to ending homelessness and rebuilding lives, St Mungo’s works to prevent homelessness and support people at every step of their journey from the streets and into a home. Our donations will support St Mungo’s outreach teams who provide crucial, life-changing support to people who are sleeping rough, helping them to become housed, healthier and more hopeful.

Over the past year, almost 25,000 people have been helped across all of it’s services.


For our final charity, we handed the decision of who to support over to The White Company team. Out of several causes, mental health was selected as the area our teams would like their fundraising to focus on. They then voted to make Samaritans our Employee Choice charity. Samaritans volunteers spend over 1 million hours a year responding to calls for help – the funds our team raise will go towards supporting the charity to continue to be there for those who are struggling to cope.

“Every 10 seconds Samaritans responds to a call for help.”