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Simple pleasures: the post-Christmas-dinner nap

Filled to the brim with turkey, all the trimmings and roast potatoes – and that extra helping of cake that you just couldn’t resist. Everyone decamped to the sofas because they’re just so much comfier than the dining table. Board games proposed and then dismissed as memories resurface of last year’s not-so-gentle disagreement over Monopoly. Instead there’s the buzz of chatter – catching up and putting the world to rights. Background music humming away because it’s not time to watch all that Christmas Day TV quite yet. Dad starts to insist he’s not snoozing, just “resting his eyes”. And, mock as you may, he actually might have the right idea. Warm and cocooned in the comfort of the armchair, eyelids heavy, you rest yours, as well. Just for five short minutes (and then maybe 10 minutes more).